Where is the Konigshutte traffic Webcam located?
The Konigshutte traffic Webcam is located in Konigshutte, Saxony Anhalt (Germany) webcam . The exact coordinates are 51.76969, 10.72522.
Is the Konigshutte traffic Webcam broadcasting live?
The Konigshutte traffic Webcam is not broadcasting live. You can see images taken from this webcam up to 24 hours ago.
What can be seen in the Konigshutte traffic Webcam?
The Konigshutte traffic Webcam includes the following themes: view, traffic.
Does Konigshutte traffic Webcam has other names?
Yes, the Konigshutte traffic Webcam is also called: Wernigerode webcam and Konigshutte, Saxony Anhalt (Germany) webcam .